Green Design Jim

Where is the best place to start this conversation?

(Written October, 2023)  I have been reading the full collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Miniatures. This includes around 800 individual artists dated  1954. I was not writing anything about the oils painting masters until I read the one on The 3 American Water Colorists, Homer, Eakins, and Sargent.

John Singer Sargent way of thinking really hit me. It might actually be very close to my process in designing architecture even though he is a great painter.

Here are a few passages I thought pertinent to this discussion.

  • He was pressed to define what he considered the essential, the most important quality in painting, but he replied like one who had given little thought to distinctions or reasoning of this kind. When pushed further he said as quick as a flash “the rare thing is to find a painter who knows a good thing when he sees it! It is a gift to be able to see the beauties of nature. You must not paint everything you see. You must wait, and wait patiently until the exceptional, the wonderful effect or aspect comes. Then, if you have sense enough to see it – well, that is  all there is to it.”
  • The power to see, to comprehend the exceptional qualities exiting in nature, is a gift possessed by few men. It is the first and highest requisite in the pursuit of art. This is a constant attitude toward art. To select with extreme care and to get to the truth of nature, direct from nature, was his gospel.
  • Of equal importance was his sense of the value of simplicity. Building upon the power to delineate very detail with precision. Separate the character from the non-essential. This is a quality of the mind.
  • He naturally sees everything at once with its envelope of light and air. He sees not in lines, but in masses, in gross, broad masses. Things come already modeled to his eye.
  • He is a good man and a good citizen.
  • The brilliant color and carefree life once more inspired him.

When asked how I or why I made design decisions my go to line was that the site itself, underlying my clients wants and needs, government restrictions, input from all consultants lock in what I see as the best resolution for a design. It just feels right. The fast the better it comes out. Designs are intentional but come from my heart and experience. I do not usually fight for the right solution. Clients usually go with my very first options. 

So, you can see why this description of John Singer Sargent way of painting really rang true to me.


Society is having a great issue with everyone’s ability to communicate with each other. Historically, people used to stay in one place or not far off. As the industrial revolution, mass transit systems, and now with the IT world people move fast and often. Within a community each group knows what ones social method of communicating represents. Now it is hard to know what the social norms are in respect to each other’s communications. Each written or verbal word, gestures, cultural aspects, political and religious view point needs to be understood by all. There has been no time to assimilate different understandings which is affecting the peace and stability of society as a whole.

Where is the best place to start this conversation?

Notes from the Milken Institute 27th Annual Global Conference

Notes from the Milken Institute 27th Annual Global Conference

Notes that I took in as discussions within the Milken Institute 27th Annual Global Conference went on over 3 days. This is mostly key words and thoughts I was pulled toward our changing future.


  • “Beauty of your dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Find great ideas
  • Re-define – we now know better – climate destruction is real
  • Elevate the conversation – less inequality – focus your positioning – share wisdom
  • Founder vs CEO – there is a difference
  • Create value! There is a lot of opportunity to make money
  • Get a return based on risk – capitalism is not guaranteed
  • Take nothing for granted – inclusiveness is needed – diversity is equality
  • Use robust tools – AI is out there – training - there is a revolving door of staffing
  • Equity investment – plan ahead for the future – know your mission
  • Break the mold – be mindful of the infrastructure
  • Understand the changing communication methods
  • Bring in the best talented self-motivated people. This is your most important resource
  • Woke – be awake – be aware – be educated
  • Compete around innovation – you need a lot of perspective and diversity of experience from your people
  • Excellence brings in the right staff – do it the right way – be passionate
  • Have empathy – Know others perspectives - ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is still very real
  • Transitioning the economy – plan for green futures – investment in our futures away from fossil fuels
  • Be an advisor – have current information – use new technology energy systems – integrate systems
  • Look for utility waste loss and efficiency –low hanging opportunities – buildings now have a 30%   energy loss
  • Energy needs to be regenerative – all systems and spectrum integration – resilient, de-carbonized
  • Capital investments need to be economic – transition and emerging markets - $s are out there
  • Renewables are very effective – Cradle to Grave thinking – plan ahead – be pragmatic
  • Accelerate the global transition way from earth system damage across all disciplines
  • Use markets to affect change – trading green credits works during transitions
  • Understand permitting issues top to bottom – plan on the extended timing
  • Balance and resiliency – Risk – view the long term – administrative policy changes

·         Happiness and Sustainability: Changing Our Approach to Growth – think of the social effects of others

  • Humanities growth within limits , thew speed of change – how do we get there – long lasting relationships
  • Physical health is the most important – stay connected to others –social connections account for longevity
  • Live for today – plan for the future – there is a healthy balance – protect our Earth Ship
  • Experience - full spectrum – is the best use of funds personally – they do not have to cost $s
  • Capitalism vs Democracy –follow the rule of law. We still need guard rails to protect the vulnerable
  • Invest in the future – infrastructure, housing, health, our people, govern by facts
  • Maximum participation in Democracy – responsiveness – modernization to get more kids voting
  • Walk with freedom – we need trust in the political system, the representatives – use true data, proven facts
  • Societal mobility needs to be returned to the USA – keep on voting – everyone needs to be registered
  • Imperfect institutions still need to be supported – continued regulations modifications need to occur
  • Celebrate life – live out of the box – express yourself – expose your ideas – respect life
  • Technology powering urban innovation – monitor issues - 40% of carbon comes from buildings
  • Select low carbon products in construction - monitor - achieve Net Zero – specifications count
  • Push as far as you can but you need to be practical – clients do look at bottom line – have standards
  • Transformation – view based on real time and challenges – global warming is real – what’s the cost?
  • Change the economic model – what counts for humanity – people vs power and money
  • Demand for sustainability building products is coming down a lot
  • Urban open space and gardens are very important part of design – livability is the key
  • Re-balance for priorities – develop a practice for revitalization and repurpose existing structures
  • Enlightened leadership within city is very important –need get developers with vision
  • The 15 minute cities –walkable – most functions – save time – easy access parking without looking for a spot
  • The space must attract people to work in an environment
  • Transform single use zoning – integrate transportation modes - cars, autonomous cars, trucks, bikes, walk
  • Bring life to your communities and cities – develop a new life style – integrated systems for quality of life
  • Be excited about  the future – live – desire to be – go where no one has gone before
  • Engage with real time – why is it important – what are the new tools
  • Read history – civilizations do fail – know why in your heart
  • Wake up – mind set is changing – flexibility in action and thought – invest for the future in all facets of life
  • Strategic alliances are critical – have friends – work with them – governments to individuals
  • Resilience is  key to get from here there – change is speeding up
  • Governments need to invest in transformation on many levels – pool resources strategically
  • Do not be dependent on other governments or entities –
  • Plan for alternative markets for energy, manufacturing, and AI – keep in mind your security
  • Who you do business with matters
  • AI needs to be designed around truth and curiousness
Inspiring Architects

Inspiring Architects

Rudolph Schindler, an Austrian-born American architect – my dad was born in Vienna, Austria so this is another time my activities all come together.


Kings Road House is own home and studio on Kings Road (West Hollywood, 1921-22) is a masterpiece designed a pinwheel shape to house two families. Among other notable figures to occupy the home, fellow Austrian émigré Richard Neutra lived there upon his arrival in Los Angeles in the mid-1920s. I always love the court yard style and indoor outdoors communal style of Southern California living.


Tischler House: Design a house for a steep hillside lot, and the architect responded with an unusual, almost sculptural building that steps up the slope in levels. Due to the modest budget of his clients, Schindler designed the residence to be completed in phases over time. The house’s primary elevation resembles the bow of a ship thrusting forward through the trees, extending the angle of the roof’s gable with a glass and stucco, irregularly shaped, somewhat cruciform volume placed on the front. The steeply pitched roof is sheathed in panels of blue corrugated fiberglass to give the interior a tent-like feel. The material originally heated the interior spaces and cast a blue light. As I walk through this home the changing volumes and views, light quality, and emotions explode. Phased construction is something I get involved with and appreciate. The organic hillside design always inspires me from the memory of the use of the space and opportunities the site provided.


John Lautner, Architect apprenticeship in the mid-1930s with the Taliesin Fellowship led by Frank Lloyd Wright. This is another of my crossing the tide for my Working as an apprentice for Robert Marks Architect for 10 years ties back the John Lautner.


I love his free form expanding architecture. His use of space, volume, material seem so simple even with all its complications. His inside outside cantilevered structures feel so comforting. Maybe live a cave dwelling or Hive. His free flowing use of space melts from one space to another. Ever step provides one the feeling motion. Exposed structures are honest. His use of material is true to their functions. The in and out, the changing planes, the character expands ones feeling of life, humanity, of the soul. He got it right. His projects were always way out of budget and time lines. In the end his clients still embraced him. No compromise with him. He held his own. I like that strength.

Membership in Environmental non-profit groups

Membership in Environmental non-profit groups

Since the 1980’s I have joined many environmental groups. The reason is it was the right thing to do. Someone has to start the revolution. Getting momentum, like gravity, is always the original issue. I have the energy, spirit, and will to integrate those energies while living my other life. Or shall I say the two parts of my life are fully integrated by nature.


Being part of Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Environmental Defense Fund, and others keep me in the loop. There are 2 fronts that help me. One is the lobbying and education efforts. I want to change the way government, corporations, and people view the world. I only have so much time. So, by being a member I spend a few bucks and let them represent me in the education of community saving me time for other efforts. The other side is informing me of what is going on in the outer world. Each helps me focus on the macro and micro activities affecting our planet.


Those efforts then give me a larger perspective in making the choices in life and the decisions I need to make every second running my life and my company, JHAI. The information then can be passed on the family, friends, and especially clients. Client knowledge allows for more out of the box design decisions. Some cost, others integrated right into the design. Life cycle costing, maintenance issues, company missions can all be enforced.


When the opportunity comes up design efforts and spacial use affecting the nature and efficiency of a specific building become second nature to me. When selecting building materials as integrated into my design ethos using old materials in new ways can be cost effective. The specific materials can support the client’s goals. Research and development can extend on to each project moving the needle helping advance society. Re-use and repurpose is always one of the most effective paths on reduction of the carbon footprint and reducing embodied energy in any project. Sometimes it is not very cost effective. Choices need to be made.  A specific site has many opportunities and with knowledge and will one can maximize all the sites opportunities. This is one of the best ways to save a client’s money, express great architecture, and achieve sustainable goals.


The continued education provided by Non–Profit group, as many of the ones I belong, helps sustain these efforts. My passion is kept kindled. This opens up more possibilities in thought and action.


Links to mentioned environmental groups below:

Difficult clients

Difficult clients

Needs and Dreams verse Budget and Sites – Most clients and many architects just do not understand the practical separation of program and the practical reality of budget. Most owners do not inform the designers of the real budget. Site issues are the most expensive and need to be defined early. While designing I keep in mind all value engineering opportunities. I almost always inform the client, usually in the first meeting, that what they want will not be cost effective or achievable for their own project. This usually means I do not get the commission. Very few time the project move to others. Of those Many times I get it back to rework the entire program.

Communication – Radder – This large detailed residential project was referred to me by a friend and general contractor. The client had called twice wanting to meet with me over 2 month period. When I asked how far along they were with the other architect they said the design was almost done and they like it. They were having difficulties in communication, undefined. At last at the 3 month mark I did go out. I believed the design was very pore, expensive, and destroying all the great opportunities the home and property had. The new design was completed starting from scratch and everyone was very happy.

Ever changing Needs and Dreams – It is important to get the requests correct in the first place. Knowing where you are going is all important. A changing design scope creates extra costs but most especially the inability to synthesis an integrated design with all the value engineering integrated into it. A Hodge Podge then can occur. One vision, one solution is always the best bet.

Un-realistic Budgets – I send clients back to the drawing board many times over the years. The property they bought or plan to buy does not need their needs or budgets. When they finally find the right property for their needs maybe the budget still is too tight. Then I say save a bit more and then do the project. It is ok to start slowly, define as we go, and when ready get to permitting. Many time this solution is not achievable based on new savings, banking changes, or in most cases the cost of construction with new rules of development go up fast then savings. I cannot help with these situations. Then a more realistic program needs to be defined.

This issue also comes up with the quality and material selection by clients. I have been involved with job where 1 specific specification wanted by the client adds up to 20% of the entire cost of a project. With tight budgets and un-changing spec. then the overall project must be reduced. The architect should be listened too, trusted by past experience, and follow by their leadership.

The Client who does not trust their Architects abilities – You hire an Architect based on their abilities to lead you in the right direction. They are the professionals. If you do not take their lead then you cannot get the best results. You do not tell an artist where or what kind of line to put down. The artist dreams it up, puts it down, frames it, and presents it. Architecture is a marriage of art, technology, perception, rules, legalities, sociology, history, auditing, and many other defining issues, especially soul. Let them do their job. A good architect will guide you appropriately.

Orders to Comply - Clients build what they want and then get hit with Orders to Comply – Many client come to us with pre-existing issues of non-code compliance. The mayor of Los Angeles many years ago said build it first and then worry about the permit. No! Follow the law. It is the right thing to do. Once incorrect, then maybe it will cost way too much to even keep your property. Maybe the best thing to do is remove what is non-code conforming and start again. In most case we find that the most effective way to solve the issue. Proofing construction meeting the code can be very expensive. Working out all the varying issues might not even work. Lost parking might not be replaceable. Building set back or high restriction not solvable without great expense including demolition. Be smart, do it right. We as architects do not need the work. We would rather start from a positive reference.


Difficult projects

  1. Site issues 
    1. Geologic, Stunt Ranch – When you study the general terrain of a site, what’s been happening with the soil and plant life you can see if the ground is moving. When you get the approved geological report you know what the issues on geology and soil is most likely. If the landslide issues are deep maybe it will be too expensive to do what you want. Maybe there is a way like floating slabs that could work. Prior to design, these issues need to be discussed.
    2. Earthquake Faults, Rothman – Geologic studies by Government might stamp an area as all-encompassing in an earthquake zone. This is very important information. Once you get your specific Geo report you can than see if what is true for the area is true for your site. Then and if no neighbors say your report is incorrect, you have the opportunity to work out a cost effective integrated design for your property.
    3. Liquefaction – Roger’s – The city requires you to do a Geo/Soils study if certain parameters exist in your design as size, number of stories, or other issues. If all your neighbors have obtained an approved GEO/Soils report you will still need one for your land. I do not think each property must be examined in this condition for the area is defined and similar conditions should apply. Cities do not agree with me.
    4. Ocean - Winitsky- At the beach erosion, sea walls, and material decomposing occurs as in rust or wave action destroying built parts of your construction. Typically stairs to the beach get washed away. My solution was a retractable set of stairs. All materials and mechanisms still need to be specifies that can withstand the salt air and ocean storms.
    5. Property lines
      1. Bolander - Rosenblum – many others Survey are needed on most jobs now at todays. They are supposed to be the truth on ownership boarders. Once done and site corners Steel pin are in place, those locations can be relied upon. There are still issues with that. Street work can cover those pins at any time, losing them. A pin might be interpreted as a property line condition but might have been installed with a setback for construction purposes. Other times the pins are for other reasons. In hillside conditions from many years ago determining an actual starting point for layout those boundary conditions might not be as clear cut as you think. A really good Surveyor is very important.
      2. Adverse and Inverse Possession- these are conditions at property lines where your neighbor might have been using your land over many year by fence, activity, trail crossing other activities. You need an Attorney for these issues. Long term use can mean the other party might have full rights to your land even when you pay taxes, insurance, and have to maintain it. Be careful. Plan Ahead.
  • Related to set backs and height of buildings – There are set back and height rules related to property line and finished, natural and other grades. If you have it wrong from the start, you might have to modify you structure once built to meet the development rules. Neighbors most likely will want to protect their rights of view and privacy.
  1. Landfills – Most building types are not allowed to be built on Landfills. Be careful what you want to do with these properties. There are many interested parties who have overlaying development concerns. Going out of the box will be very difficult.
  2. Building Lines- Usually these are Old Street planned expansion site from the old days. The cities might need more land for the streets and then restrict you use of your land in case. You cannot build structures on this property. Your building set backs are an overlay condition and must be followed.
  3. Property corner view lines- There are set back requirements at street corner. Always determine what those will be so you do not plan on building, fences, or other appenditures within those required setbacks. The rules are different for each situation.
  • Property right Vacations- There are times when street, trails, or other properties owned by government or neighbors can be changed. Whether its property line adjustments. Or total vacations check out the opportunity. They can open up many new opportunities for your development.  
  1. City planning and  neighborhood councils
    1. Spiro –with expanded parking requirements by the client, a very good friend to help the neighborhood, grading issues and retaining wall restrictions by code the new home was placed on the site in the most opportunistic location possible. A custom design worthy of any locations was the bonus. The city did not have issue with any minor code variances. However the local community’s goal of slowing down or making it just too costly in the fight for permitting tied to city planning approvals was almost insurmountable. Community concerns did not have to do with code or design just slowing or stopping development right.
    2. Knollwood – A large parcel of land having been in development over many years, architects, and building code and quality of historic paperwork being loose now all comes together at one time. Determining officially required parking becomes a big issue on this project and many other. This can and did take years for the city to accept and then needed to go to hearings and re approval of the parking requirements. This really affects the goals of our clients and the speed, or in this case how slow the process can take, even when in the end they agree with current calculations. Defining issues like this is all encompassing an only the brave and fearless should chase them. This applies to any project especially old and multi-building properties/
    3. Ballantine – An easy small residential addition can still be consumed with city planning issues. Besides the specific plan issues, even a single word can affect the approval process. Without due diligence and a very understanding client can you take on these fights. In this case it came down to 1 word, either. All approvals by counter personnel only accepted the worst interpretation of whether an addition falls to a specific addition on one or 2 sides of a house in now non-conforming set back and building height rules. Once I discussed this issue with government managers and explained the issue in detail, they accepted my interpretation of the issue and went over their lower level employees. I have done this many time going back to my earlies projects. One needs to stay in the loop on the meanings and direction of new ordinances. This is not easy at all.


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